Kyudokan Karate Constitution


  1. The Club shall be known as KYUDOKAN KARATE

  2. Aims and objectives of the Club
    • Teaching karate in a safe and structured manner in the greater Southampton & Hampshire area.
    • The Club is committed to encouraging the highest ethical standards. All individuals involved in the Club should conduct themselves with integrity, transparency, accountability and in a fair and equitable manner
    • To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club
    • To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone
    • To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment


  1. Membership
    • Membership of the club is open to any person of the age of 6 years old and above.
    • Membership shall consist of the following categories
      • 1 - person membership: £49 a month
      • 2 - person membership: £88 a month
      • 3 - person membership: £120 a month
      • 4 - person membership: £140 a month
      • 5 - person membership: £150 a month
      • Free membership. (Free membership places are given under exceptional circumstances, eg refugee and agreed by majority of the Kyudokan Panel)
    • Cancellation of membership is subject to 1 months notice and any monthly payments due in the notice period will be collected as usual.
    • All members joining the Club shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution and any and all Policies adopted by the Club, in particular without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the requirement to conduct themselves in accordance with the Club's ethical framework and the polices.
    • Any person seeking to join the Club shall submit an application via the website. Memberships shall be approved by the Kyudokan Panel.
    • Membership is open to all persons over the age of 6 years old and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of race, occupation, sex or religion, political or other opinion, mental or physical disability.
    • The Kyudokan Panel may unanimously and for good reason terminate the membership of any individual, provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Kyudokan Panel, accompanied by a friend or representative, before the final decision is made.
    • The Kyudokan Panel may create any class of member they deem necessary and may determine what benefits or rights such members may have.
    • All members of Kyudokan Karate including all students and instructors will be covered under the group insurance policy.


  1. Management
    • The management of the club will be known as the “The Kyudokan Panel”
    • The panel shall consist of no less than 2 members and no more than 5 members.
    • The Panel will consist of: CEO, COO and Chief Instructor + other Panel members.
    • All members of the Kyudokan Panel will be full current members of the Club in their own right
    • All members of the Kyudokan Panel must be experienced Karateka and have previously been taught by Kyudokan Karate.
    • Members of the Kyudokan Panel will be chosen from existing members by the Kyudokan Panel.


  1. Meetings
    • The Kyudokan Panel will hold monthly and annual review and planning meetings.
    • With the exception of changes to the Constitution, decisions put to a vote shall be resolved by simple majority at meetings.
    • The CEO of the Club shall hold a deliberative as well as a casting vote at meetings, in each case at the time the meeting commences its business.
    • Changes to the Constitution
      • Any change to the Constitution shall require a two thirds’ majority of those present, eligible to vote.
      • A proposal to change the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Kyudokan Panel and allow seven days for submission of any amendments before calling a meeting.
      • All proposals for changes to the Constitution shall be signed by two Panel Members.
  1. Discipline and Appeals
    • All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted in writing to the Kyudokan Panel.
    • The Kyudokan Panel will meet to hear complaints within 7 days of a complaint being lodged. The Panel has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.
    • The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
    • There will be the right of appeal to the Kyudokan Panel following disciplinary action being announced. The Kyudokan Panel should consider the appeal within 7 days of receiving the appeal.


  1. Policies and Procedures
  1. Kyudokan Web Shop is exclusively for members and their families and products are sold at below manufacturers recommended retail price for the benefit of members in accordance to the non-profit policy.


  1. Finance
    • All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.
    • The CEO & COO will be responsible for the finances of the club.
    • The financial year of the club will end on: 31st March
    • An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the COO at the Annual General Meeting.
    • Kyudokan Karate is a non-profit making organisation.
    • Kyudokan Shop is exclusively for members and their families and products are sold at below manufacturers recommended retail price for the benefit of members in accordance with the non-profit policy.
    • Reasonable out of pocket expenses and remuneration will be paid to Sensei’s and Panel members.
    • All profits and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve or develop the Club's facilities or to carry out the aims and objectives of the Kyudokan Panel.
    • No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making body on a winding-up or dissolution of the Club.


  1. Dissolution
    • If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objectives similar to the objectives of the Kyudokan Karate, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the Kyudokan Panel.