Sparring Rules + Glove & Shin Guard Guide

Sparring Rules

Sparring is an important part of Kyudokan Karate training and prepares students for a “real world” situation.

Sparring is NOT fighting, it is training. No student should have any bruises or cuts after sparring, they should not be in pain and should be able to continue with their normal day.

Violations of any rules will be met with one warning, further violations result in time off from sparring (no sparring that session, that week or until further notice depending on violation)

"Tap" rule: when grappling and the opponent taps out, the student must immediately release and stop the sparring. No violations of this rule will be permitted and could result in the immediate termination of membership.

Elasticated Mitts & Shins are suitable for most beginners: White and Red Belts. From Red Belt we recommend extra protection.
From Yellow Belt Elasticated Mitts and Shins will not be allowed.
Students will need to purchase Boxing Gloves or MMA Sparring Gloves and Padded Shin Guards.

Junior (under 16) Sparring Rules:

  • No Striking the head at all
  • No Striking to the groin at all
  • Light - Medium contact to the body, depending on protection and opponent
  • One technique per clinch (depending on opponent)
  • Catching kicks and takedowns/throws depends on opponents and whether area is matted
  • Gloves* Must be worn - No Gloves = No Sparring
  • Shin Guards* Must be worn - No Shin Guards = No Sparring

Senior (over 16) Sparring Rules

  • Light Contact to head only with approved gloves, Gum shields are recommended.
  • No Striking to the groin at all
  • Light - Heavy contact to body, depending on protection and opponent
  • One technique per clinch (depending on opponent)
  • Catching kicks and takedowns/throws depends on opponents and whether area is matted
  • Gloves* Must be worn - No Gloves = No Sparring
  • Shin Guards* Must be worn - No Shin Guards = No Sparring

Glove Guide

Elastic Gloves
MMA Fight Gloves
  • No Head Contact
  • Light Body Contact
  • Not suitable from Yellow Belt

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Kids 4oz - 10oz Boxing Gloves
  • Light Head Contact (over 16 and we recommend a Gum Shield)
  • Light - Medium Body Contact

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12oz - 16oz Boxing Gloves
MMA Sparring Open Palm Gloves
  • Light Head Contact (over 16 and we recommend a Gum Shield)
  • Light - Heavy Body Contact (Heavy body contact over 16)

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Shin Guard Guide

Elastic Shin Guards
  • No Head Contact
  • Light Body Contact
  • Not suitable from Yellow Belt

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Padded Shin Guards
  • Light Head Contact (over 16 and we recommend a Gum Shield)
  • Light - Medium Body Contact (Under 16)
  • Light - Heavy Body Contact (Over 16)

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