Basic dojo terms used in a typical class.
Required learning for 7th kyu (orange belt) and above - a student of this grade should have a working knowledge of these terms when they are used as instructions during a lesson.
Lesson Start / Finish
shugo line up (in grade order)
kiotsuke attention
seiza kneel / sit down
mokusou meditation
mokusou yame stop meditation
rei bow general
otagai-ni rei bow to class
sensei-ni rei bow to teacher(s)
kuritsu stand-up
yoi ready
hajime start / begin
yame stop / finish
osu indicates respect, acknowledgement, and readiness
hai yes
onegaishimasu please teach me
dohmo arigato gozaimashita thank you for teaching
The Basics
jodan tsuki upper punch
chudan tsuki middle punch
gedan tsuki lower punch
jodan uke upper block / receive
chudan uke middle block / receive
gedan uke lower block / receive
hiza geri knee strike
mae geri front kick
mawashi geri round house kick
hidari left
migi right
hachiji dachi natural stance
shiko dachi box / straddle stance
zenkutsu dachi forward stance
for all basic stances click here
ichi one
ni two
san three
shi four
go five
roku six
shichi seven
hachi eight
ku nine
ju ten
To hear in Japanese click here
sensei senior instructor / teacher
sempai junior instructor / senior student
kouhai junior student
jodan upper
chudan middle
gedan low
kiai spirit shout
kihon basic techniques
kumite sparring / fighting
kata form
bunkai applications from the form
mae front / forward
ushiro back / reverse
yoko side
mawate turn
mo ichi do one more time
Glossary of basic and advanced terminology used in karate.
Below you will find more detailed terms used to describe various techniques and movements as well as additional information / instructions which may sometimes be utilised in a karate lesson. Whilst some terms are repeated from the Basic Terminology list above, this section is not not required learning for kyu grades.
Hand Techniques
tsuki punch or thrust
uchi strike
uraken back fist strike
nakadaka ken middle finger knuckle fist
empi/hiji elbow
choku tsuki straight punch
nihon tsuki double punch
sanbon tsuki triple punch
kizame tsuki leading punch, jab
oi tsuki lunge punch
gyaku tsuki reverse punch
ura tsuki short punch (palm side up)
age tsuki rising punch
tate tsuki vertical punch
kagi tsuki short punch
furi tsuki circular punch
mawashi tsuki round hook punch
heiko tsuki parallel punch
nagashi tsuki flowing punch
shotei/teisho tsuki palm heel thrust
nukite tsuki finger thrust
ko uchi bent wrist strike
ura ken uchi back fist strike
shuto uchi knife hand srike
hiji uchi/ate elbow strike/smash
tettsui uchi bottom fist strike
shotei/teisho uchi palm heel strike
tsukame grab
tora guchí tiger mouth
Foot Techniques
geri kick
ashi foot/leg
josokutei ball of the foot
sokuto foot edge
kakato heel
haisoku instep
hiza knee
mae geri (kaegi) front snap kick
mae geri (kekomi) front thrust kick
mawashi geri round house kick
ushiro geri back thrust kick
yoko geri (keagi) side snap kick
yoko geri (kekomi) side thrust kick
kansetsu geri stamping kick, joint kick
hiza geri knee kick
ashi barai foot sweep
mae tobi geri jumping kick
Blocking / Receiving
jodan uke receive upper
chudan uke receive middle
gedan uke receive lower
uchi uke inside forearm block
morote uke augmented block (double handed)
mawashi uke round house block
tora guchi double handed open-hand circular block
hiza uke knee block
Kyudokan Kata
tachi kata basic stances
pinan peaceful mind
gekiha attack and tear
sanchin three battles
unshu cloud hand
saifa smash and tear
naifanchi fighting on home ground
sanseiru thirty-six hands
niseishi twenty-four hands
tensho universal hand
seiunchin the clam in the storm
shisochin fighting in four directions
sepai eighteen (hands)
seisan thirteen (hands)
kururunfa forever peacefulness stops to smash
suparinpei one-hundred and eight (hands)
tsurute hand of the crane